
Hello lovelies!  Thanks for stopping by!


Can you tell I love the Wars in the Stars?

My name’s Sarah, but my friends from home call me “Sarahj.”
Not “Sarah J,” but “Sarahj.”  Pronounced “SUH-rahj.”

If you had to find me in a crowd, you’d probably see a girl with her eyeliner on too thick and quoting movies she’s seen in the past 20 years.

Born in Austin and raised in Atlanta, I’m a graduate of the University of South Carolina with a degree in English (w/ a concentration in Creative Writing) and a minor in Film & Media Studies. I’m a storyteller with big dreams, & a deep passion for all things pop culture.


I’m currently a full-time content writer for One Firefly Digital Marketing in Orlando, FL area, where I work from home and write about smart home automation & audio video systems on our clients’ websites. Think the iconic DCOM “Smart House,” and that’s essentially my day-to-day.

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My flexible work-from-home schedule means I have a lot of free time. I call the Disney World parks my 2nd home, and love frolicking there with friends, taking solo trips, or just grabbing a bite to eat whenever I feel like it (I’m an annual passholder) – it’s AWESOME. Take a gander at my Instagram for more pics!✨

But my true love lies within fictional worlds. That’s where you’ll find me spending most of my time – deep in a TV show binge, watching my favorite film franchises for the 100th time, or with my nose stuck in a book. Or let’s be real: surfing the internet. If it’s media-related, I’m there!

Check out my portfolio and feel free to peruse through all my old blog posts and musings, & let me know if you have any questions or if you just want to chat! I’m always open to talk about literally anything. But especially movies, and shows, and- well, you get the idea. Let’s discuss your thoughts, dreams, your WIPs!! YOUR SHIPS!


My dream: become a best-selling author of the next great fantasy series, that gets launched into a film franchise that is loved for generations to come. Oh, and who gets to still visit Disney on a frequent basis.

Keep checking back for various updates on life, random happenings, and pop-culture rants & memes!



I love Voltron. I literally love all the nerd things. LETS TALK

– Sarahj

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